September 23, 2022.

Good News Today

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another

Friends our good news today says WE NEED REBUKE FOR THE THINGS WE ARE DOING WRONG.

Today, I write about group Chat (GCs) to remind us that it is a form of fellowship, cooperation, easy access to friends, tracking activities, and many more. But most important is to have a good fellowship and at the center of that fellowship is our God.

We need this GC because it connotes good fellowship. Remember the phrase “No man is an island”. It means everyone needs another person in their life to encourage, uplift, correct, and rebuke them. From a Christian perspective, our verse today wants us to understand the importance of having fellowship with other believers. Christians should always spend time with other fellow believers and friends for it takes iron to sharpen iron. This means that a relationship should be two-way not only a one-way connection. As the other persons sharpen you, you are also sharpening them.

Having fellowship with other believers is having accountability and a relationship that is rooted in Christ. Having accountability does not only mean that we check up on those people from time to time but it is CARING for them and their spiritual growth in the Lord.

Friends, we need our GCs members, friends, neighbors, batch mates, and other believers in our lives to correct us and guide us on the right path. But, it is a must for us to understand that we need the Word of God. We will truly grow in the likeness of Christ if we immerse ourselves with the Word of God.

God bless us all. Let’s keep the faith.

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