Thoughts on Spiritual Growth

Thoughts on Spiritual Growth

Prepared by Ptr. Doods Agravante

  1. Hindrances to spiritual growth
    1. Discouragement
    2. Lack of effort
    3. Lack of use
    4. Interference
  2. Steps to ensure spiritual growth
    1. Be active in the work of the congregation.
      1. Begin immediately!
      2. Offer your service to the elders
      3. Look for work to be done.
    2. Start a program of regular private devotions.
    3. Participate in an informal Bible Study Growth
    4. Be involve in leading people to Christ.
    5. Practice constant self-examination.

As we grow in the grace and knowledge of God, we will truly experience the “abundant life” that Jesus provides (John 10:10).

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